PhD application demands at least 2-3 LORs. Out of 3, at least one should be from your mentor/guide as they know your story in much more detail. You can surely approach your research head or the professor who is related to your further research work in PhD. In case you were part of any specific team during any of your projects then you can definitely approach them as well. As in
has more weight as the recommenders themselves are doctorate.
"It is a pleasure to recommend Ms ABC for a PhD programme in Psychiatry at...[University Name]... I have known her for the past 3 years through her work in my Project titled, ‘….(name of the project)…’. She has completed her Masters and MPhil in …(course name)…. from …(university name)…. She first approached me two years ago about the possibility of work in my project as a Research Fellow. We had discussed the scope of the project and her job responsibilities in our first meeting.
She had asked good questions and also referred to a few studies that have been carried out by the students in the Department as part of their curriculum. I was impressed by the interview and her inquisitiveness to know more on the subject. After long secondary research, we decided on evaluating our subjects on ….name…. before the actual experiment. This study examined the psychometric properties of the …. the questionnaire, the 57-item questionnaire designed to assess children's causal explanations for positive and negative events.
During that project, Ms ABC demonstrated the ability to work independently with creativity and enthusiasm as well as effectively lead a team of 3 Project Fellows for sample selection and data collection techniques. She trained the team on all the aspects of ……… as well as …. She was also able to collect the …. data of more than 50% of the students a year later. Her communication skills put both the subject as well as the interviewer at ease thus facilitating an unbiased and effective data collection.
She was quick to learn and use it effectively for analysis. She would be invariably the first person to be at the school well prepared for the day. The Project Fellows always had praised her. They always mentioned that her patience and perseverance in clarifying their doubts on the standardized data collection and analysis techniques. She had doubled her efforts on data collection when she found that one of the Project Fellow was down with fever and cold. She had not let this affect the Project Schedule. Her hard work and perseverance paid off when her paper, ‘………..’ was selected for publication in an International Journal.
Ms ABC is clearly the best student that I have worked with in the past few years. I strongly recommend her for a PhD programme from …(university name)….. She would be an asset to any university she joins.
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